16 May COVID-Safe Video Shoots
One of the first things we're asked lately is whether we can do COVID-safe video shoots. Yes, we certainly can. And we have been for many months, now....
One of the first things we're asked lately is whether we can do COVID-safe video shoots. Yes, we certainly can. And we have been for many months, now....
Find-a-doc videos are becoming the norm. As a video producer, and patient, I’m happy to see that. I’m even happier when these provider bio videos capitalize on what makes video such a powerful tool: Connection and emotion. Here are three things to include in your...
Should doctors wear white coats in find-a-doc videos? That’s one of the first things we're asked when we embark on a video bio project with a new healthcare client. You’d be surprised at the debate that ensues. People have strong opinions about this topic. I have...
Here are the top questions to ask before starting a video production project: Who's the target? What do you want the target to think, feel and do after watching the video? Where will the video reside?...
Developing a plan and strategy, well before the first video shoot, means you can work together to keep cost in check at every step of the production process. Here are my top ways to save money on your next video project:...
Many healthcare systems like to go by service line when adding provider bio videos. Both politically and logistically, this works really well. It allows the initial shoots and edits to be limited to one main department. This way, you can update sections of your website...