16 May COVID-Safe Video Shoots
One of the first things we’re asked lately is whether we can do COVID-safe video shoots. The answer is yes, we certainly can! In fact, we have been for many months, now.
When COVID restrictions first began, we had to take several weeks “off,” like most everyone else who was not involved in direct patient care. Except for finishing up projects we already had underway, our work came to a screeching halt for a while. Once we started back up, all of our shoots were for hospitals and clinics explaining their COVID protocols. Now, we’re back to doing all the types of health care videos we’ve always done: provider bios, patient testimonials, what to expect, you name it. We’re even booking plane travel again and have some exciting video projects in progress and on the calendar. We’re so happy to be busy again! We know, however, that COVID concerns are still front of mind, as they should be, and we want to share how we’re operating during these times. Of course, each shoot is unique and dependent on local restrictions and policies, but here are the basics on how we’re able to safely gather your video content.
For interviews, we’re able to always be at least six feet away. In fact, that camera-to-subject distance was the case long before any of us even heard of COVID. That distance allows us to get wide, medium and tight shots. It also tends to be the most flattering for our subjects. We have a boom mic on a pole that we can hang or hold near the interviewee, so there’s no need for close contact to put on a lav mic.
For now, our crew wears them the whole time. Masking mandates are always changing, but as a general rule we’re going to stick with masking while we’re in health care settings. We suggest our subjects take theirs off during the interview itself, though, if they’re comfortable and their local and clinical regulations allow. At some shoots we’ve shot interviews both with masks and without, so the material can be used now and later. Most of our clients want to make sure they can use their video content for years, and having all interviews masked could limit their shelf life. Safety is our number one consideration, so we’ll have a deliberate conversation about masking to be sure everyone feels good about the production plan.
Gloves and/or Sanitizer
Early on, we wore gloves the whole time for every shoot. We’re happy to do that with you, if you’d like, to be extra careful when in your space. We also bring hand sanitizer for you and all of our subjects. Your providers can “gel in” just as they would when entering a patient room. We also don’t shake hands with the people we meet and interview, which has honestly been a tough one for us, but we know it’s best and we’re adjusting.
We’re Vaccinated
Whew. All members of our crew have officially been Pfizer’d. Because we work in health care settings, it was important to us to get this done as soon as we were qualified.
Small Crews
We’ve always traveled light. In the past, this was to be lean, nimble and efficient and to save our clients money. With COVID concerns, we find this to be even more important. Two to three people on the shoot is usually our max. That makes it easy to achieve the distancing we want, yet get the job done.
Most Work is Remote
The only thing we prefer to be present for is the actual video shoot (although we’ve managed to do that remotely, too). Everything else, from the planning to producing to editing to convenient digital delivery of final content is from the comfort of our remote offices and often, truth be told, in sweats or PJ bottoms. Don’t worry, we’ll wear real clothes to the video shoot, we promise!
Questions or Special Requests
Do you have more questions about how this works, or special requests to comply with your facility’s rules or concerns? Just ask! As your trusted video partner, we’re always mindful of patient and provider safety and we’ll do all we can to make you comfortable and confident.
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