28 Jun Easy Ways to Extend the Shelf Life of Your Videos
Whether you work with us on a project, or produce video in house, you want your video content to last. Video content to market your clinic, hospital or healthcare system is an investment in time and budget. Several things you do at the time of the shoot can make or break your ability to use your videos for years to come. Here are our top tactics to extend the shelf life of your videos.
No Logos
While it’s tempting to use a backdrop emblazoned with your branding, or have your providers sport your logo on their clothing, we suggest you avoid that. Branding changes. A different font style, a new stripe of color, or a logo overhaul can get great video content declared unusable. Let us plaster your branding all over your video, digitally. It’s much easier (and less expensive) to update your look on the editing side of things than to re-shoot all of the content or toss aside an otherwise solid video.
Monitor Clothing
Encourage your subjects to wear clothing that isn’t obviously seasonal. Sundresses, bulky sweaters or holiday themes can distract from the content, as well as limit the timeframe of when a video feels appropriate. Viewers shouldn’t be able to easily guess what time of year your video was shot. Make sure your shoot isn’t scheduled on Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (You laugh, but we’ve seen it!) Extra tip: It might be a good idea to avoid video shoots during No Shave November, too. At least schedule them early in the month.
Scour the Setting
Much like with clothing, pay attention to what might show in the background of your video. When we shoot in hospitals and clinics, we look for decorations that could come back to bite us. Fall leaves, Christmas trees or bunnies with baskets can inadvertently date your video. Take down holiday decorations or slightly move the shoot location. It’s fine to have jack-o-lanterns in the background of a pediatrician or dentist talking about Halloween candy, but check your surroundings to be sure what your audience sees won’t limit your video’s use.
Listen for Dates
Listen for sound bites that include time references. For instance, if a provider says they’ve been practicing for 2 years, that won’t be true two years from now. Instead, ask them to re-phrase their answer to “I’ve been practicing since 2018.” This comes up a lot in bio interviews with new providers – they say they’re brand new. They won’t be new for long, so train yourself to catch those references. When you have video content that isn’t dated, it’s easier to get more mileage out of it.
It doesn’t take much effort to extend the shelf life of your videos. Pay attention to these details and your videos can last over multiple years, platforms and uses. Of course, please reach out if we can help!
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